Monday, May 21, 2012

Beautiful Android Wallpapers For Desktop

So here we are continuing our addiction with free and opensource wallpapers. Android operating system is spreading like wildfire. Smartphone manufacturers are scrambling to produce their version of Android phone and all this has just started. Let's celebrate this stellar success of a free and open source software called Android with some stunning android wallpapers. Top 15 Android Wallpapers from around the web.

Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
Android Wallpaper
PS: Some of the android wallpapers listed may be incorrectly linked. If you are the owner of any of these android wallpapers and if it is not properly linked to you, let me know.

Selvo - Android Wallpapers Pack


Android Wallpapers




Android Wallpapers


android wallpapers


HQ Wallpaper

android wallpaper


Ubuntu 12.04 Default Wallpapers has Arrived

Wallpapers for upcoming Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin has just been arrived. The collection include a new official default wallpaper plus 14 other exceptionally good community contributed wallpapers as well. To put it lightly, community contributed wallpapers put the default one to shame. By far the best collection of wallpapers for Ubuntu in my opinion.

Ubuntu 12.04 Default Wallpapers

ubuntu 12.04 wallpaper
Default Ubuntu 12.04 Wallpaper
Ubuntu 12.04 Default Wallpapers

Ubuntu 12.04 Wallpapers

Ubuntu 12.04 Default Wallpapers

Ubuntu 12.04 Default Wallpapers

Ubuntu 12.04 Default Wallpapers

And like before, when the new ones came, old Ubuntu 11.10 wallpapers were removed. Click on the images to see them in full size. Not using Ubuntu 12.04 yet? Download wallpapers fromhere. If you want wallpapers from previous versions of Ubuntu, try this instead.

What's New in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS [Screenshot Tour]

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin" was finally released few weeks ago and it truly is one of the best Ubuntu releases ever. We have been following the release pretty closely and now it's time for a brief round-up. Here is a quick screenshot tour through every single new feature that was added to latest Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

What's New in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS features a new easily configurable Privacy menu in System Settings. More info on it can be found here
Things New in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • Landscape is now integrated into Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
What's New in Ubuntu Precise Pangolin
  • Unity Keyboard Shortcuts should be familiar to you all by now. When in doubt, press and hold the Super key and you will find all the shortcuts you need right in front of you. 
What's New in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise
  • Unity Dash now has a brand new Video lens. 
New Home Lens for Unity
  • The old Home lens has been replaced by a new useful and less eyecandy lens which displays recently used applications, files and most recent downloads.
Unity Dash Quicklist
  • Unity Dash has quicklists support.
Home Folder Quicklist
  • Home menu quicklist is another really useful addition.
HUD is Default in Ubuntu 12.04
  • HUD is default now. but don't worry, HUD haven't yet replaced menus in Ubuntu 12.04.
Ubuntu 12.04 precise pangolin wallpapers
  • The new default collection of wallpapers is just brilliant. More info.
  • Launcher icon size can now be modified directly from Appearance window.
What's New in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • Default Launcher behavior changed to 'Never Hide' from 'Dodge Windows'.
Default Launcher behavior changed to 'Never Hide' from 'Dodge Windows
  • Auto-hide Launcher option is now available (instead of Dodge Windows) which you can on/off directly from Appearance window. Options for modifying reveal location and reveal sensitivity also available (see above screenshot).
Qt based ubuntuone
  • Revamped Ubuntu One UI.
rhythmbox replaced banshee
  • Rhythmbox music player is the default now, replacing Banshee.
  • A number of essential Unity settings have now been integrated into System Settings aka GNOME Control Center.
what's new in ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • Default Alt + Tab behavior has been changed. Initiating Alt + Tab shows you just the open windows in the current desktop and not from all the desktops like it used to be. 
top things new in ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • Unity dash and Launcher inherits the (average) color of current wallpaper. Unity Dash adds a beautiful blur effect and all these UI tweaks can be seen in Notify-OSD as well.
things new in ubuntu 12.04
  • As you can see, Power menu settings has been totally revamped. 
multimonitor-support ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • Proper multi-monitor support added. Access via System Setting - Displays.
What's New in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • Minor improvements to Sound Settings. Access directly from Sound Menu in the top panel as well as System Settings.
Tomboy and Gbrainy have also been removed (along with Banshee) from the default list of apps making Ubuntu 12.04 LTS completely Mono-free. That's it for now. We will be back with more Ubuntu 12.04 news and reviews soon. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

Useful Ubuntu 11.04 Unity Keyboard/Mouse Shortcuts

Ubuntu 11.04 'Natty Narwhal' will be released in another 8 days or so. We have followed the development of Ubuntu 11.04 very closely. In fact, we have reviewed all the previous developmental releases of Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal so far including Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Alpha 3 and Beta 1 releases. In my opinion, the overall Ubuntu 11.04 experience is so much better and involving if you know some essential Ubuntu Unity keyboard and Mouse shortcuts. So here are a bunch of very basic yet useful Ubuntu 11.04(Unity) keyboard shortcuts.

Ubuntu 11.04 Unity Shortcuts

Ubuntu Unity Shortcuts
Super Key(Windows Key) - Opens dash.
Hold Super Key - Invokes Launcher.
Hold Super Key and hit 1, 2, 3 etc - Open an Application from Launcher. When you hold the Super Key, specific numbers will be displayed in order above each application.
Alt + F1 - Put keyboard focus on the Launcher, use arrow keys to navigate, Enter launches the application, Right arrow exposes the quicklists if an application has them.
Alt + F2 - Opens dash in special mode to run any commands.
Super + A - Opens up application window from launcher.
Super + F - Opens up files and folders window from launcher. Both these shortcuts can be viewed by simply holding the Super Key as well.
Super + W - Spread mode, zoom out on all windows in all workspaces.
Super + D - Minimize all windows(acts as Show Desktop). Hitting it again restores them.
Super + T - Opens trash can.
Super + S - Expo mode (for everything), zooms out on all the workspaces and let's you manage windows.
Ctrl + Alt + T - Launch Terminal.
Ctrl + Alt + L - Lock Screen.
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right/Up/Down - Move to new workspace.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Left/Right/Up/Down - Place window to a new workspace.
F10 - Open the first menu on top panel, use arrows keys to browse across the menus.
Mouse Shortcuts/Tricks for Ubuntu Unity
Clicking and holding an icon and then dragging it around will allow you to reorder it on the launcher. You can also drag it off to the right of the launcher to move it around. Note that you need to make an explicit movement to the right to move the icon off the launcher before you can move it around.
Dragging and Dropping an icon into the trash can will remove it from the Launcher.
Moving and holding the cursor on the left side for a few seconds will launch Unity dock.
Moving the cursor to top-left corner(near Ubuntu icon) will launch Unity dock as well.
Scrolling the mouse wheel while over the Launcher scrolls the icons if you have too many and need to move around quickly.
By Scrolling the mouse wheel while over the Sound icon on top panel helps you increase or decrease system volume.
Middle click on an application's launcher icon - Open a new instance of the application in a new window. Very useful at times. In laptops with touchpads, hitting left/right click buttons together is akin to middle click.
Maximizing - Dragging a window to the top panel will maximize it.
Restore/Unmaximize - Dragging the top panel down OR double clicking on the top panel will do.
Tiling - Dragging a Window to the left/right border will auto tile it to that side of the screen. One of the highlights of new Unity experience.
And Some Useful Window Management Shortcuts(Generic)
Alt + F10 - Toggle between Maximize/Unmaximize current window.
Alt + F9 - Minimize current window.
Alt + Tab - Toggle between currently open windows.
Alt + F4 - Closes current window.
Alt + F7 - Moves the current window(both keyboard and mouse can be used).
Hope you find the listing of important keyboard/mouse shortcuts for upcoming Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal(Unity) useful. Thanks to askubuntu for the list.

Canonical Integrates Landscape with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Canonical launched Landscape system management tool without much fanfare sometime ago. Now, in a most recent update, they have integrated Landscape with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, again without much hoopla. In line with a recent move by Canonical integrating handy Privacy Management tool into Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, this is yet another bold initiative by them.

Canonical Integrates Landscape with Ubuntu 12.04

What is Landscape?
  • Canonical's Landscape systems management tool helps you monitor, manage and update your entire Ubuntu infrastructure from a single interface. Features include: 
  • Remote access: Manage all your Ubuntu machines from anywhere.
  • Informative graphs: Get a clear view of your IT infrastructure.
  • Real-time alerts: Get immediate security and system updates.
  • Task management: Specialist tools help you share tasks with other systems admins.
  • Professional support.
Landscape is now Integrated into Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is a very serious release as far Canonical is concerned. And they are doing everything they can to make it the best and most functional Ubuntu version ever. Landscape integration is sure going to help Ubuntu attract more enterprise customers in the future.

Landscape integrated with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

There is this new 'Management Service' tool in Ubuntu 12.04's System Settings app. When you click on it, a prompt will ask if you want to install Landscape client in Ubuntu. Then there is a learn more link which will take you to the official Canonical website for Landscape.

Canonical Integrates Landscape with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Once installation is complete, things are pretty much self-explanatory. More Ubuntu 12.04 LTS updates and reviews are on its way. Stay tuned. 

Ubuntu 12.04 Features a New Easily Configurable Privacy Menu in System Settings

I am not sure if this "new" option was already available from the beginning. I noticed it in my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS beta only recently and when I checked, it was not available in the previous Ubuntu 11.10 release either. Of all the new features that has been added to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, I think this new 'Privacy' menu deserves a special mention.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Features

Ubuntu 12.04's New Configurable Privacy Menu
Ubuntu 12.04's new dedicated Privacy menu has a lot going for it. Since the new Unity UI records your recent activity for better working of functionalities like Unity Dash, control of what Ubuntu is allowed to record and store becomes paramount.

Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

As you can see, Record Activity option is set to ON by default. Also, there are options for deleting every bit of information that has been stored overtime.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Updates
You can specify the kind of files whose activities you don't want to be recorded. Optionally, you can deselect specific folders from the watch-list.

Ubuntu 12.04 Features

Same can be done for applications as well. You are allowed to manually select specific applications that you don't want to be recorded. As you can see, selecting applications has also been made easy since it comes sorted based on their daily activity by default.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Privacy Setting

And then there is this diagnostics tool which when activated, lets your Ubuntu send anonymous information such as error reports to Canonical automatically. Also, this option is disabled by default. I am not sure if this option will be there at all in the final release. Overall, I feel that, Canonical's new found thrust on user-privacy is a step in the right direction.

Ubuntu 12.04 Features a New Easily Configurable

I am not sure if this "new" option was already available from the beginning. I noticed it in my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS beta only recently and when I checked, it was not available in the previous Ubuntu 11.10 release either. Of all the new features that has been added to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, I think this new 'Privacy' menu deserves a special mention.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Features

Ubuntu 12.04's New Configurable Privacy Menu
Ubuntu 12.04's new dedicated Privacy menu has a lot going for it. Since the new Unity UI records your recent activity for better working of functionalities like Unity Dash, control of what Ubuntu is allowed to record and store becomes paramount.

Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

As you can see, Record Activity option is set to ON by default. Also, there are options for deleting every bit of information that has been stored overtime.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Updates
You can specify the kind of files whose activities you don't want to be recorded. Optionally, you can deselect specific folders from the watch-list.

Ubuntu 12.04 Features

Same can be done for applications as well. You are allowed to manually select specific applications that you don't want to be recorded. As you can see, selecting applications has also been made easy since it comes sorted based on their daily activity by default.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Privacy Setting

And then there is this diagnostics tool which when activated, lets your Ubuntu send anonymous information such as error reports to Canonical automatically. Also, this option is disabled by default. I am not sure if this option will be there at all in the final release. Overall, I feel that, Canonical's new found thrust on user-privacy is a step in the right direction.