Saturday, May 19, 2012

Transgendered beauty queen falls short at Miss Universe Canada

TORONTO - Jenna Talackova came up short Saturday in her bid to win the Miss Universe Canada and become the first transgendered title holder.
The 23-year-old blond from Vancouver was one of the final 12 contestants, but failed to make the final five at the Toronto pageant.
Another Vancouver contestant, Sahar Biniaz, 26, claimed the crown and advances to the international Miss Universe competition in December
Talackova was one of four contestants named Miss Congeniality.
Talackova's lawyer Gloria Allred said during Saturday's pageant that Talackova shouldn't feel too disappointed.
"She's still a winner as far as I'm concerned," Allred said during an intermission. "She won an 'herstoric' civil rights victory and that I think is frankly more important than anything, any victory she would win, even representing Miss Canada."
Talackova was born Walter Talackova and under went a sex change operation four years ago.
She was initially barred from competing because she was born male.
Pageant owner Donald Trump allowed her to compete, over-ruling the earlier decision.
Talackova was the first transgender competitor to seek the Miss Universe Canada crown and attracted extensive media coverage during the run up to Saturday night's final.

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