Sunday, May 29, 2011

Think Positively for good health

Maintenance of Health through the role of positive thinking presented at National Seminar on the positive prospects for health and behavior of the Department of Psychology, MD University, Rohtak, February 1 and 2, 2008. FAIM M. A. Ansari (Researcher) Asiya Aijaz (Narrator) Department of Psychology at the Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh Health: psychological resources such as hope, optimism, personal control, subjective sense of meaning and well known, a practice protected health influences . The Greek physician Hippocrates expect that positive emotions and health outcomes can be connected by different means. In developed countries and developing countries, health is seen as the most valuable asset for a good quality of life, especially in recent years. Good health is the key moderator of the citizens to contribute to society. Smith (1990) said: “In the past, good health means the absence of disease.” Today, the definition of health is the high-level wellness, beyond the absence of disease to a potential maximum over the body, mind and spirit. High level of welfare is the integration of the health component, ie, emotional, physical, social, mental and spiritual. The common origin of the long-term health “hoelth” an English word that means the security forces, sound and all (Mick, 1973). There are no contemporary meaning of the term. Oriented definition of health care in line with the theme of health is a subjective phenomenon, is the operation, which was proposed by Lynn. Lynn, 1990 defines health as a subjective representation of the composite score, a person’s somatic self-esteem (as a feeling), and functional capacity (as is). As such, health in the subjective assessment, said that health or illness occurs. These subjective experiences are dynamic and are a consequence of the person and environment interactions. While one person to evaluate how he / she is feeling and doing to some extent, the person may have on health. The World Health Organization (WHO, 1948) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and absence not only of disease or infirmity.” So who has the World Health Organization (WHO) made it very clear that the absence of disease is sufficient for health. This underlines the definition of positive and negative dimensions of health. Negative health or disease has a subjective component of the concept of diseases and conditions, and an objective component of the expression expression in the concept of illness, injury, disability or deformity. Positive effect on health has two components: wellness and fitness. This condition requires an appropriate balance of physical, psychological, social ingredients. Health can be used as objective physical components, where, how, being able to provide psychosocial components of health are considered positive. Lau (1995) found that in healthy young adults invited to participate in their own words, “what it means to be healthy to describe you?” their views on health can be understood in the following dimensions: – Ø Physiological/Physical- good condition, with energy. Ø pathological happy, energetic, feel good psychologically. Or behavior-eat and sleep well. Average future consequence live longer. Ø The lack of, for example, sickness, disease and symptoms. Kasl and Cobb (1966) argues that health behaviors believe that any action by a person who undertakes, with the aim of preventing or detecting disease which remains asymptomatic healthy. Therefore, a positive result can prevent most of the activities of health and in disease, identify diseases and disabilities will be set early, promote and improve health, or protection from injury. Thus, “good for health as an individual activity that increases with frequency or intensity of ensuring that health and disease reduced” As we all know that health is a gift from God to be defined, but not in healthy enough to maintain but also equally important. For this reason, should also include healthy lifestyle and positive thinking. TAKE an exercise healthy lifestyle regularly. Physical activity plays an important role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Make time for exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week. Nothing beats aerobic exercise for releasing accumulated stress and tension. Eat a healthy diet. Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to deal with stress is by what you eat consciously. Start your day with breakfast, and keep your energy and clear mind, with a nutritious and balanced during the day. Reduce caffeine and sugar. The temporary “highs” caffeine and sugar, often seen ends with a crash in mood and energy. By reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, sugar and snacks in your diet, you will feel relaxed and you can sleep better. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Self-medication with alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but relief is only temporary. Fear not, or mask the issue at hand, with problems in the head and with a clear mind. Get enough sleep. Fuels adequate sleep your mind and body. Fatigue increases stress because you think it is irrational. The positive aspect of health is reflected in the Arab proverb, “A man who is healthy, is optimistic, and has an optimistic view, everything” (Husain, 2005). Positive thinking for good health: Happy people are always focusing on significant events and decent life, they have an optimistic view of life. Positive thinking can help achieve peace of mind for better health and for a ceaseless flow of energy. Positive thinking can be a positive effect on people’s health by increasing a person’s intellectual, physical, mental, and social resources. Positive thinking leads to a chance of positive thinking is unhealthy. By practicing positive thinking can be positive emotions, feelings, and positive mental attitude, improve quality of life of people and improve your body heal from disease and stress a. To increase by Frederickson (2001) Positive emotions of people in physical, cognitive and social, which in turn will help you cope better with stressful experiences and live healthier. After noodles and pasta, positive thinking is an effective means of control of bio-energy healing is achieved. Maintaining a positive energy level in their own bio-energy healer reduces stress and emotional strain on the healing and other positive emotions and feelings and a positive mental attitude can improve quality of life and heal your body from diseases and stress. On the other hand, negative emotions and feelings poisonous toxins in the body. Strong negative emotions like anger, malice, envy, jealousy and fear that the endocrine system, accumulate toxins in the blood. Anxiety, depression and doubt, can also lead to blood poisoning. Liabilities and prolonged negative emotions are more dangerous to health than negative emotions of an asset, sudden and momentary. Negative emotions reduce the life span. The treatment of physical symptoms are positive thoughts and statements of people in France a century ago and still has the power) to overcome unwanted states (stress, tension, and unhappiness. Thoughts and feelings create reality, and a touch of color to them. Therefore, the misfortune of a gray world and reality. To change a grayscale world and overcome the feeling of dissatisfaction, anxiety or tension, we must concentrate the mind on positive thoughts healing. When people realize that if it breaks, what will happen to them is rather because negative thoughts come into your unconscious expression. Furthermore, anyone can, psychosomatic disorders (about 70% of all diseases developed, are psychosomatic or) by mental stress. Psychosomatic illnesses may worsen when particular attention. Instead of paying attention to pain or illness, every time, for example if there is a negative thought, which has something like ” It is better I think. “When a request is made in any desired state in the soul, magically, the unconscious wish fulfillment, no, but through mental programming. In addition to helping heal the sick that is a positive, in order to resist the anger and the problems the right decisions and overcome obstacles. not focus on negative events, trying to find a positive outlook. For example, people must understand that they have read and think more about others to find the perfect form of communication. Because thoughts are positive or negative, as reflected in their social or antisocial behaviors. The people must observe and understand the world around them and their inner worlds with positive perceptions. Healers should be “a positive state of mind” prior to beginning the practice of bio-energy healing. healers communicate with other people you energy. “negative” energy can not bring healing, but the damage and is both a healer and a destroyer healee. Healing Power “positive energy” with “a spirit has sent.” His thoughts are in your control, and can be very powerful. Positive thoughts can motivate healthy behaviors such as eating healthy foods and be active. It is really easy. If you think you can take 10,000 steps a day, is more likely to achieve an additional drive to your destination. If you know you can avoid weight gain vacation, you will feel great when they fit a tempting dessert buffet, more comfortable in winter clothes. In making his opinion about something, and share, you can. Positive thinking also helps you achieve and maintain behaviors that limit healthy as always active in sports or sugar intake. Peale (1996) has measured the success of positive thinking, and found that those who think positively, may increase their weight or physical activity to lose these people , are more successful than those with less confidence in themselves. The confidence you will be in implementing a particular behavior, such as self-efficacy and self-efficacy is a key in the successful behavior change. A “power -do “attitude that is needed is implementation of a healthier life. Best of all, his attitude is something you can control. You have the option of having a positive attitude. It is likely that if you choose to think positively, you will feel better and be in a better position in which you lead. HOW admit Stay Positive: Positive thinkers, if they feel frustrated or depressed. Do not ignore it. But do not blame yourself. Instead, seek to understand the negative thoughts and feelings, and against them with more positive ones. So how to keep a positive attitude, maintaining momentum and sustained healthy behaviors? Here are some tips from Peale (1996): – or to locate a good example. There is always someone to do what he wants, seems to do. Maybe they have planned in the course of their work and went from coffee to herbal tea. Learn the success of a friend, relative or coworker. Ask how to stay healthy and follow. Ø Try some positive self talk, and talk in order to avoid refusal. Take a minute to strengthen even an ego. Repeat some motivational words aloud or to himself. negative comments, “I can not,” I’m fat “is dangerous to their welfare and healthy goals. Try to avoid negative self before the injury. Remember that you deserve happiness and can make positive changes. Ø Getting Help . Tell your friends and family about your healthy habits. It helps to have a building network. or reward yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back for their healthy efforts. Enjoy a good swim, a massage and enjoy a new DVD or CD. Or Do you have a plan. A plan for exercise or healthy eating lunch with a friend to make a difference with your goals or falling off the road. If you have planned for a job, it is likely that sticks with him. You may find that the letter also to achieve their goals and actions that can help you stay on track. Take it day by day or week to week. The process of writing is your personal action plan is a good way stay honest and you will see your progress and difficulties. Positive thinking is a mental attitude that comes to mind with words and images that are conducive to growth, growth and success. It’s a mental attitude that expects good results and favorable. A positive mind is far from happiness, joy, health and success of every situation and action, which is the spirit, he says. The power of positive thinking can change and improve their lives. Maintain a positive attitude and unit of behavior for success, healthy living and happiness. Positive thinking is a habit, correct practice. Positive thinking is something that has to do every day as often as possible and, if possible. In practice daily positive thinking creates a mood which is always positive, it will be a state of being positive. Thus, finally, you will find a lot of positive energy, creating a positive situation for you every day . emotions and positive feelings and a positive mental attitude can improve quality of life and heal your body from disease and help restore health. An approach to positive thinking by Martin (1991) is administered in the three C’s: commitment, control and challenge. Commitment: Make a positive commitment to you, education, occupation, family, friends, nature and other useful things. Praise yourself and others, always dreaming of success, be enthusiastic. Control: focus your mind in important things. Setting goals and priorities for what they think and do. Visualize to practice your actions. Develop a strategy to address the problems. Learn to relax. Enjoy successes. Be honest with yourself. Challenge: brave. Change and improve each day. Enter your best and not look back. See learning and change processes as opportunities. To try new things. To consider various options. Meet new people. Ask lots of questions. Keep a record of his mental and physical health. Be optimistic. Martin (1991) has shown that people with these characteristics are winners in good times and survivors in hard times. “… … The people who begin consciously to modify their inner conversations and assumptions report an almost immediate improvement in performance. Their energy increases and things seem to go better … “Commitment, control and challenge of building self-esteem, stress reduction, healthier lives and encourage positive thinking. Mental and emotional expectations can influence the medical results. The effectiveness of medical treatment depends in part on how useful you expect. How do we know that our sense of the inadequacy of resources for us to emphasize the situation, let this situation by maximizing our efforts and positive thinking to overcome, such as “I can do, even with limited resources,” “What if short-term resource, I can handle it.” This thought only be developed through positive thinking. The positive statements are created by positive thinking to cope with negative thoughts. These affirmations neutralize negative thoughts and build your confidence. The positive affirmations provide opportunities to explore the opportunities that are always present to some degree in a difficult situation. Positive thinking helps to resist the anger and problems to overcome obstacles and make the right decisions, emphasizes, and remains healthy. The people must observe and understand the world around them and their inner worlds, with positive perceptions. The spiritual force promotes positive thinking, positive ideas, positive habits, positive attitude, positive efforts. They are the promotion of properties, wisdom, physical and mental wellbeing. Positive emotions, stimulate the nervous system, protects the heart and lowers blood pressure. A realistic assessment of their own borders, the development of autonomy and capacity to effectively to a stressful situation to promote positive thinking to cope. The acceptance of the ability to recognize and manage our emotions play an integral role in our emotional development. Meaning of life is very important for the development of positive thinking. Those who have meaning in their lives, are more likely to develop positive thinking. It was noted that those who emphasize the meaning of their lives with clarity, reduce to a healthy life. To be positive thinking person should be as open to new ideas, activities and new things and develop new innovations, what is more advantageous in their thinking. Positive thinking can be developed through positive self-talk, a healthy attitude for effective fitness programs (healthy food), financial strength, hope, new ideas, accountability, so we can develop positive thinking, acquiring new knowledge through mental health promotion activities that our environment can be enjoyed and productive life can create. Practice positive talk to improve their prospects. If your mood is optimistic in general, is able to handle everyday stress in a constructive way. This ability can be seen in those who contribute to the benefits of positive thinking. Positive thinking negative stress reduction. Because it is very clear that people think positively are more optimistic than people who do not. CONCLUSION: It is very clear from the foregoing that the people who think positively enjoy a better and healthier life. Positive thoughts can motivate healthy behaviors such as eating healthy foods and be active. Positive thinking is the process of creating ideas that generate energy and focus on reality, to bring about the creation of a positive outcome that you, as an advantage for oneself or others. This is a strong poison all of us, but many people are unaware. So we can say that positive developments will be even sweeter when you get it as further proof, and they see themselves as masters of their own destiny. Therefore, we can say , who is normal practice, positive thinking, tend to be more successful, they can live to be less stressful and healthier life. The power of positive thinking can change and improve their lives. Maintain a positive attitude and behavior unit for success, healthy living and happiness.

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