Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to Become a Stronger Woman

Being a strong person means finding inside of you the necessary resources to take the control of your life. You must think positively, shatter all boundaries and face all your fears. The first step you have to make is to regain the confidence that you deserve only good things. Discover all those little gestures that can transform you into a strong, fulfilled and happy woman

The character of a strong woman comprises more than two qualities. For each and every one of us, being strong may symbolize different things such as a successful woman, who is in the top of the professional pyramid, or a woman who experienced a lot of difficulties in her life, but she managed to overcome them. In order to become a stronger woman, you should analyze and be honest with yourself.

Self-confidence. A strong woman is, first of all, a self-confident person. The lack of confidence can spend huge quantities of the energy you could use in order to fulfill your dreams. A person with low self-esteem can not become a strong person. But, luckily, you can remedy this situation. 

One characteristic of those with low self-esteem is emphasizing all their negative memories. Specialists say that this is the trap that intensifies the problem. You just have to control your thoughts and emotions and try to raze anything negative from your memory. 

Experts say that you should mentally erase all the colors in your mind, until everything turns just black and white. Next, think that the image becomes smaller until it ends to be just a small point. It is said that this thing reduces the intensity of any emotion.

Face your fears. Facing your fears is the best way to boost your self-confidence and gain courage. You should shatter all barriers that separate you from other people and keep you from fulfilling your dreams. One way to confront fears is to do every day one thing that really scares you.

Positive selfishness. Sometimes, people tend to accept doing something just because they are embarrassed to say „no”. This type of persons, who are always eager to help, even when their own state is affected, try unconsciously by doing this, to fix certain emotional problems. And women are even more vulnerable in this kind of situations, especially when they become protective with those around them. Some of these women end being used, sometimes without intention, by people around them, such as children, brothers, parents, friends or colleagues. 
Before accepting to help someone, think about how this could affect your life. If you start hearing this too often, it means that something is wrong. You should help others, but think wisely before making any step forward.

Take care of your health. You should take care of you and understand how important it is to nourish the body and your mind with all the elements they need in order to avoid depression, anemia and other diseases.
Choose a healthy diet, that must include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole cereals, diary products, fish, nuts and seeds. Drink at least two liters of water daily, replace coffee with green tea and quit smoking and alcohol.
Exercises are the best way to keep you healthy, fight depression and, on the other hand, they keep you in shape, which makes you feel even more confident. Because, when you feel beautiful, you are stronger.

Beauty. You should always believe in yourself, in your qualities and stop comparing to others. If you want to make some changes, do them for you and not because the society says you are not beautiful enough. 
Try to pass over the standards imposed by the modern society, that keeps promoting the idea of the perfect body.

Take your time. Nowadays, people want everything in the shortest amount of time and, if possible, with less effort from their side. For a strong woman, happiness comes step by step and together with it, the fulfillment of your dreams.

Integrity. Integrity means completeness, honesty and sincerity. There is a close relationship between integrity and getting stronger. If you are 100% sure of your own integrity, it won't be hard to develop your self-esteem. And from here, there is just one small step towards a strong, competent woman.

Strong=single? It is said that men usually tend to feel threatened by strong women. You should know how to assign the tasks in your relationship or marriage, and know how to balance professional life and the sentimental one without losing yourself in none of them. 
Men love strong women, who can have a conversation, but they dislike women who always have to be right. Therefore, strong doesn't have to be synonymous with single, as long as you know when to listen. And don't forget that being strong shouldn't make you forget how to be romantic and have fun

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