Sunday, March 25, 2012

How To Manage Insomnia Pregnancy

Pregnancy should be a happy experience for all women. But there may be many things that can interfere with pregnancy. Insomnia Pregnancy is such a problem.

Sleeplessness or insomnia during pregnancy is a condition that is very important in the first and third quarter. Changing hormonal profile of the body during pregnancy is a major cause of insomnia during pregnancy.

During the later stages of pregnancy, a huge belly, and discomforts of pregnancy caused by it can cause sleep problems. More questions about pregnancy, such as back pain and heartburn can also cause insomnia during pregnancy.

You can follow these tips, said to ensure a good sleep, even if you are pregnant.

A tendency to urinate often dream of a man in September to get disturbed during the night. To resolve this problem, reduce the amount of liquid is during the late evening and overnight. Also make sure to empty the bladder before going to bed.

Sleeping on a full stomach, will be very difficult. Thus it is advisable to have your food at least 3 hours before bedtime. Avoid eating spicy foods, because they will give you a burning heart and will definitely affect your sleep. Also avoid sugary foods and caffeine, which stimulates your nerves and keep you awake all night.

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