Sunday, May 29, 2011

7 Key Steps How Successful People Are Able To Do It

Let’s face it, everyone wants to be successful, but not everyone is successful. I’ll assume that you want to be successful in your life as well because you are here in my blog and you are actually reading this.

So what it takes to be successful? What exactly do you need to do in order to achieve what you want in your life?

Achieving your dreams and your goals are not something easy. It takes a lot of hard work and you definitely need to put in effort to become extraordinary. What a lot of people are looking for is the quick way to success.

There Are No Secrets To Success
Yes, there are no shortcuts or any so-called secrets to success. So do not get disappointed because I am going to show you what you can do that will help you to accomplish what you want in your life. Although there are no secrets to success, there are some steps that if you follow through, you will be able to produce the results you want and eventually achieve all your dreams.

And below are the 7 key steps that can make you successful in your life…

1. Focus On Your Goals

This is a common sense, but how often did you think about your goals? Most people will never think about their goals. Even worse, some do not even know about what they want to accomplish in their lives. If you do not have a goal in your life, how can you tell when you have reached it?

Your goals will guide you in the right direction. Therefore, if you do not know what you want, you will travel and end up getting nowhere. Thus, find out your goals right now. Find out what you want to accomplish in the future. Make sure you focus and think about them all the time. They are the reasons that you wake up in the morning and they are the reasons you are reading this article right now.

2. Take Small Action Each Day

No matter what you do, you must take action so that you will create the results that you want. If you are not acting upon your goals, you will never produce what you want. Even if it is just a small action, do it and do it consistently. Small action can give you huge reward in your life if you persist and do it consistently.

Just like losing weight. It is impossible that you can lose 10 pounds overnight. You have to have the persistent to say no to supper and high calories food, exercise regularly and after some time, you will see the result.

A lot of people fail to accomplish their goals because they are just blowing hot air. They feel motivated and they take action for 3 days, or maybe even just 3 hours. After that, they did not do anything about what they want anymore. This is what leads you into living a mediocre life. So put in the commitment and take small action each day.

3. Think Positive And Believe In Yourself

Did you notice that great people usually think differently? When others see disaster, they see opportunity. They think positively all the time and they believe that they can do it, this is what leads them into taking action and thus, becoming extraordinary in their lives.

There are always opportunities behind adversities. It is just that you are not trained to identify them. From now on, adopt the habit of thinking positively into your life. And believe in yourself that you are able to do it. See yourself as the successful person that you wanted to be. Have the confidence and make sure you take action upon it.

Ray Kroc believes that he can do it, and he eventually made McDonalds one of the top businesses in the world and making tons of money. The same goes for Howard Schultz, the person who grew Starbucks into hundreds of stores. All because they think positively and believe in themselves.

4. Play It Full Out

Are you putting in 100% commitment toward your dreams and your goals? This question makes me feel guilty when I think about it. Even for me, sometimes I will be lazy and are not doing the best. I believe we all have times when we feel superb and can take on the whole world. And sometimes we feel like we just want to take a rest and enjoy.

There is no right or wrong in this. It is just that how committed are you toward the things that you want to achieve in your life? Of course, the more committed you are, the easier and faster you will achieve what you want. Great people always play it full out. They do their best and they are willing to go all out. This is what separates them from the ordinary.

So treat your goals and your dreams seriously. We are talking about building a better future and living a more quality life. Thus, go all out whenever possible.

5. Stay Motivated All The Time

When you are motivated, you will never put things off. You will never procrastinate whenever you feel driven. So what you need to do is to make sure that you are motivated at all time. And the only way to stay motivated is to stay in action. This is the easiest and the fastest way to build up energy and create momentum to get you going.

When you feel like putting things off, just do it and you will create the motivation. Just like if you feel like no motivation to make the call, just pick up the phone and call. If you feel like procrastinating on the task, you just need to get it started. Just do it for 5 minutes and you will build up the drive.

Just try this technique and you will see how powerful and how true it is. This is why you need to always be in action to keep yourself hot.

6. Measure And Track Your Results

How well are you doing and how far are you from your goals? Tracking and measuring yourself from your goals and your dreams is a great way to keep you alert about whether you are making progress. One of the most important principles of success is that you need to be in alignment with what you want in your life.

If you set your goal to make a million dollar a year, but you are just working as a small staff in a small company, you are not in alignment with your goal. You have to think of a way to achieve what you want. When you know what you want, your mind will automatically solve the how. You will know what to do in order to achieve your target.

And measuring your results allow you to stay focused in what you want to achieve as well. When you know where you are, you can better plan for your strategies to achieve your goals.

7. Adopt The Habit Of Consistent Learning

Extraordinary people are always ready to learn. They know that learning can shortcut their journey to achieving what they want. They listen, they read, they learn and they grow each and everyday. Great people read a lot of books. Are you investing at least 30 minutes each day reading books that can improve your life?

I hope you understand the power of reading and learning. I changed, decided that I am the one who is responsible for my own life and that I am the one who is able to create my own destiny from the result of reading books. If this principle works for me, it should have no problem working for you.

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