Sunday, June 19, 2011

365 reasons why i love my girlfriend?

I am compiling a list of 365 reasons why i love my girlfriend, and it is true love not that stupid puppy love where you start syin i love you in one week. we started telling each other like 3 months as we were dating, its real. I am on 151 and our 1 year anniverary is on Oct 16. Its crunch time for me, i can think of 365 reasons, but not all at once. ideas anyone?
FYI im not stuck and cant think of any, i jus want ideas so i can work off of them. not desperate either, advice is a good thing to seek when in trouble.

Best answer goes to the truly thoughtful answers and really good reasons. I have the basics down. i need good answers

I love the way you smile
the way you look at me
the way you hug me
the way you talk to me
the way you laugh
the way you sit
the way you walk
the things you talk about
I love your passions
your eyes
your lips
I love dancing with you
I love spending the night with you
I love the way you hold my hand
I love when you tease me
the way you bite me
I love when you whisper "I love you"
I love your glory
I love your breasts
I love your mind
I love the way you bite your lip
The way your hips sway
I love how much you love (insert something here)
I love your hands
I love touching you
I love watching the stars with you
I love reminiscing on the time we have been together
I love our first date
I love how long we've been together
I love playing games with you
I love your eskimo kisses
I love how you breath
I love being wrapped in your arms
I love cuddling with you
I love taking your clothes off
I love playing pool with you
I love kissing you on the pool table
I love kissing you in the rain
I love kissing you on the floor
in the car
in a bed
on a couch
by a fire
and in your arms

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

5 Things That (Unexpectedly) Turn Men Off

Woman cryingAnd you thought just nagging him to death or dragging him to the latest rom-com blockbuster were the ultimate no-nos. Turns out, in the world of love, there are more than a handful of moves that can turn a guy off. Here, five of those things that might unexpectedly launch him right out of bed:

1. Your tears. A study, published recently in the journal Science, found that when men smell women's tears, they became less sexually aroused and were less attracted to the same women than when they smelled a saline solution that was dribbled on the women’s cheeks. Researchers think this may illustrate a biochemical cue women give off to non-verbally communicate, "Not tonight dear," particularly when we're PMS-ing or having our periods. Seems like the researchers simply didn't quite know what else to make of it, and therefore had to go and blame everyone's favorite sexist scapegoat, The Crimson Wave. Nonetheless, the writing's on the wall: If you want to keep him hot and bothered, it might pay to curb weepiness.

2. Painted-on pouts. Many of us never outgrow wanting to play "dress up." We wander the aisles at Sephora searching for the ultimate Pink lipstick or super-thickening, lengthening mascara. It's a win-win, right—we have fun playing with makeup, and the result is looking gorgeous. But apparently, men aren't as enthusiastic about it. A recent survey found that one in five men wished his partner would tone down their makeup, while one in ten said he liked women au naturel. If your guy falls into either category, you may do well to tell him, "Fine, but don't you DARE take a Twitpic of me like Russell did to Katy, or you're outta here!" Morning Breath: A Turn On?

3. Porn. You're thinking, "What, how can that be???" The occasional skin flick is probably no big thing, but experts say men who frequently view porn may develop unrealistic expectations of women's appearance and behavior, have difficulty forming and sustaining relationships and feeling sexually satisfied.

4. Fruity, or foody, scents. If you think you're going to get his motor running with that cotton candy or creme brulee body cream, think again. According to a scent test done by editors at Cosmopolitan, sugary-smelling, fruity or lollipop-ish perfumes make guys think of the candy store or the kitchen, not the bedroom. The better pick: Eau de Dove soap. Guys seem to prefer to steam it up with gals who smell like they came straight from a sudsy shower.

Yes, she wants to marry you! 7 Signs that says she is ready

Women are unpredictable. Yes, they are. They can be emotional, irrational, and illogical. But they can also be loving, caring, and understanding. And men can not live without them. Admit it! You men just cannot get enough of women. A women need a man by their side as well, which apparently leads to the life-long constitution we call marriage. However there is a common misconception that women are rather programmed to be married and say ‘YES!’ even before you start asking her the big question. But if you are smart, you will have already identified that as a myth and start asking more serious questions and look for signs. Well, one thing’s for sure, women are really good at giving hints. It’s just a matter of uncovering the hints and you’d have the answer you are looking for. So, here are the some of the most clear cut signs that a woman is really ready to get married:

1. She likes to discuss the virtues of marriage

she wants to marryShe talks about the good and bad of marriage, the ‘good’ being mentioned several times more than the bad. She tells you about her ideas of a successful long-term relationship, and that she’d like to be in one someday. If she is really up and ready for it, you’d know by the way she fondly refers to marriage as being a bond that lasts forever. Now, if she weren’t ready, she’d probably avoid the entire discussion where marriage comes up and would not want to say anything about it. Avoidance in the matter is one of the crucial signs that she is not ready for marriage, yet.

2. She loves to be around you

She likes to be with you, and says she’d like to be with you for a lifetime. She cleans your room, wash your dishes, or setting your clothes right. She even cooks for you. Sometimes she nags at you (like a typical wife would) because you just cannot keep your living room clean, despite all her subtle efforts. But she then sets the room right (again, like a typical wife). These are obvious signs that she really wants to live with you, and, supposedly, as being your wife.

3. She wants you to meet her family, and shows interest in yours

She invites you to have dinner together with her family, and insists that you talk to her dad about stuff in common, perhaps play golf together, or watch a (common) favorite game. She asks you to accompany her to family picnics, so that everyone gets to know her man better. She also makes inquiries about your family, and wants to know what kind of women they like. If that is the case, you are in the right track. She really wants your relationship to be a long one.

4. She talks about the future

If she’s been using ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ when talking about the future, chances are that she already has a vision of your life together as a couple. She asks about your future plans, shows genuine concerns regarding your work life and where it is leading, and also gives you suggestions on what would be the best thing to do next. She perhaps even consults you for advice on her career and life ahead. Chances are that she has perhaps set her mind on marrying you.

5. She mentions are married friends, and notices other married couples

She let you know what a wonderful proposal her office-colleague or her friend has experienced, and how romantic she thought it was. She has been talking to you about how her friend looks so good together with her husband, and muses over the idea that perhaps you two will make a great couple too. Did she point out to a married couple recently and say – ‘They look happy, don’t they?’ Maybe it’s time you ask her if she’d like to be happy like ‘them’ too.

6. She looks affectionately at wedding dresses on display of stores

When you two are out in the town, shopping together or just walking by, she stops in front of window displays of wedding gowns and awes at the beauty of one. And by her look, you know she wants it. She is perhaps imagining herself in the white fluff as well. And you in a tuxedo. And the wedding bells are perhaps also ringing in her ears. So do not be late to tell her that she would look beautiful in it… and perhaps you would love to see her in one of these.

7. She asks you about your idea on kids

She likes kids, you know that. She loves the idea of being a mother. She says that she wants a lot of them, plus, she also asks you about your opinion on children. All of these mean the same thing– she wants to have children with you. Now that being decided, there is really no doubt that it’s you she wants to share her life with.

With all these signs popping up every now and then, in conjunction with your anticipation being building up about when to ask her the BIG question, do not get over-excited and hasten the procedure. Do take the time to ponder on the hints she’s been giving you and think about the things that she has mentioned – a particular romantic fantasy (suggesting how she’d like to be proposed), or a place she loves very much (suggesting where she wants to be with you at that moment). If she has mentioned her preference of rings, something like ‘I do not like huge stones on rings’ – or something similar to that, make sure you have made a note. After all, the more detailed the ambience and the atmosphere is, the more attention you give to make sure everything is perfect (especially the ring), the more are the chances that she will stand in an alter and say ‘I do’ to you, someday.

9 things that men should know about women

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What Women Want in Relationship – Love or Sex?

Ask any woman what men want in a relationship, the obvious answer would be sex. Well, everyone knows what the men want, but what the women really want in a relationship: love or sex? Genetically and behaviorally, both men and women are programmed by nature for different purposes. It’s even said that men are prepared to love so that they can get sex from women, and women are prepared to have sex so that they would get love from men. Nature wants the male species to spread its seed as wider as possible, thus men seem to desire sex all the time so that they could spread their seeds. However, since the female of the species has to beget a child and rear it as a consequence of the sexual intercourse, she cannot have sex as freely as the male species do. Hence, by nature, since the female of the species has to bear the child, women are genetically programmed to look out for men who can provide both protection and care during pregnancy and childbirth, and nurture her offspring thereafter. Therefore, the female has to be selective about choosing the best among the available male partners with quality seed and who could also protect her and the offspring from intruders. This is said to be the main reason why men want more sex and women want more admirers and protectors. This has made some to generalize that women are more interested in love and less interested in sex.
women relationship
However, such statements often prove to be oversimplification of a complex issue that depends upon extremely personal interest of a particular individual. Even in the case of men, it’d be oversimplification to say that men always feel like having sex. Yet in the majority of the cases, while a man gets ready for sex even without any feeling of love or intimacy, most women say that they need to feel desired or get more intimacy in their relationship before they are prepared for sex. Even when women involve themselves in the sexual intercourse, they complain that they could not reach orgasm since they were unable to feel emotionally connected with their partners during the intercourse. Relationship experts often advise men not to rush for intercourse, and engage in a slow, gentle and relaxed foreplay until the women are sufficiently aroused.
It’s true that women are fundamentally different than the men in their priorities in the relationship. It’s also true that in most of the cases, women expect men to take initiative and court them before getting close to them emotionally and physically. Moreover, unlike men who would be happy to have a causal sexual encounter, women generally seem to prefer a long lasting relationship. Besides, given opportunity, women choose their mate who they consider can provide the best possible protection and security. Therefore, women certainly want their relationship to solidify through some sort of bonding such as marriage, marriage working as a sort of glue to make relationship last for a long time. Women even report that they engage in sexual activity with their partner even when they do not feel like doing it fearing that their partner might lose interest and respect for them if they do not comply to have sex. Still, it would be wrong to assume that women are less interested in sex.
A recent poll conducted by a popular Television Channel revealed that women want and think about sex more than they admit to. As women are becoming more open regarding their sexuality, the new findings are sure to demystify the conventional opinion about female sexuality. Certainly, like in men, sexual preference among women varies from individual to individual, yet it has been established that women enjoying a fulfilling sexual encounter at least twice a week are happier in average. A Woman may be shy to openly express her sexual desires like men due to cultural or other factors, but deep down women are just as horny as men. Similarly, a very high percentage of women masturbate and watch porn than that has been believed. Some argue that even the rape and molestation cases by women cannot officially come on record because men find it ‘unmanly’ to report that they were sexually harassed by the women. Thus, by nature, women seem to desire sex as much as men do.
women sex

Some Tips for a Great Relationship and Sex:

  • First and foremost, women need to believe that their partner in interested in their total being, and not for sex only. The more a man makes a woman feel wanted by him, the more she will try to please him, sexually or otherwise.
  • Communication plays a vital role between the partners, so much that if the partners do not communicate their feelings to each other, their health and ultimately their relationship would start to suffer.
  • Women want some foreplay before they are prepared for sex. Hugging, kissing, and talking romance would turn on women for engaging in sex. Instead of repeating the same position day in and day out, it would be exciting to try some experimental, playful and even ‘dirty sex’.

7 Things a Guy Can Do to Make a Girl Really Happy

Every human being is different, so it stands to reason that every woman is a unique snowflake too. That is why it is difficult to understand exactly what women want from men – they all want different things. Men can learn from their mistakes with previous girlfriends, but every woman they meet is going to different. In each relationship these men, and the women alike, have to learn as they go along. They have to learn what to do, what not to do, what their partners like, what they don’t like, what quirks they have and how to put up with them.
make girlfriend happy
Trite as it sounds, the truth is that relationships are journeys where compromise is key. No matter how much you like each other, you won’t be the prince and princess living happily ever after; there’s always going to be some friction, some disagreement. But after the screaming and the yelling (and perhaps the throwing of a few hard objects), if you still want to be together, then you know that your relationship is strong, and that it will last.
One important point for men to remember is that people change, and personalities evolve. There’s an old joke that a man marries a woman hoping she would stay the same, while a woman marries a man thinking she can change him. Don’t fall into that trap. The girl you fell in love with in high school will not be the same girl ten years later. And even if she is (highly unlikely), you won’t be the same guy who fell in love with her.
As it has just been mentioned, trying to generalize women’s likes and dislikes is a bad idea. Chances are you’ll go very wrong, offend her or just make yourself out to be a fool. So here are a few tips for maintaining a smooth and rewarding relationship with your special girl.
spend time with her
1. Find out her likes and dislikes: Let’s use an example here. Pink is a girly color. You’ve grown up with your sisters wearing pink shoes and clothes, using pink stationary, and watching princesses in cartoons wearing pink sparkly dresses. So you think it’s safe to assume that your girlfriend (or sister, or friend) would appreciate something a garish pink cell phone for her birthday. Her favorite color may be blue or red or green, and it’s your job to find that out. And don’t be afraid of giving yourself away if, around her birthday, you ask her about her preferred colors. She will probably see right through it, but she’ll appreciate the effort.
2. Reply to her messages: This might actually be applicable for everyone, not just women. If a woman sends you messages, do reply to them when you have the time. You’re both busy people, but taking the time and trouble to reply shows her you’re interested in what she’s saying, and want to keep the dialogue going. Also, it’s just plain rude not to reply when you have a message. You weren’t raised in a barn. And when you reply, make sure it’s appropriate. If a girl sends you a 7 line message, texting back a simple ‘LOL’ is really not a good idea.
3. Don’t dismiss her hobbies: Your girlfriend collects cereal boxes because she wants a decoder ring. Or perhaps reads a great deal of fan-fiction about TV shows. Or blogs about lipstick. Now, you can poke fun at them all you like (and she will probably laugh along with you), but you must recognize that these things are important for her. Ask her about her hobbies; you probably won’t understand the fascination, but she’s going to enjoy talking about it. You may not realize it, but she probably does the same for you.
4. Show her affection: Most women are affectionate. Some of them may not be demonstrative, especially in public, but when you have privacy, a hug or a kiss, for no special reason, is greatly appreciated. You can do that while she’s doing housework or working on the computer, and in most cases your gestures of affection will be very welcome.
5. Dress up in the outfits she likes: A lot of women are forever giving their men advice on what to wear. Once in a while, take it. It can be a certain type of shirt, or a coat. Or you can go full formal in a suit or a tuxedo, which most women love. In any case, make the effort to look nice just to please her; it will make her feel loved. If you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, dressing up can bring back the memories of when you were first dating, and let you feel the thrill of that initial romance once again.
6. Get to know her friends and family: Again, this may not apply for all women, but most of them do maintain close ties with family and friends. Get to know the people she’s close to; her mother, brother or sisters, as well as her best friends. Family is important and if she does maintain ties with them, it will please her a great deal if you establish roots with them yourself. As for her friends, try and build a rapport with them too. If you are in the early stages of your relationship, getting the friends to like you will be a step in making it more concrete. And who knows, maybe you’ll end up liking them all and create lasting friendships.
7. Be funny. Humor is extremely attractive, and having in-jokes with your significant other is a rewarding experience. Some of your best memories may be of talking and laughing together. So remember all the old jokes and try and establish new ones. Find out what makes her laugh – it can be an impression of your grade school math teacher, or of her boss, or a tv-show character. You don’t have to become a stand–up comedian, but being entertaining ensures she’ll never be bored.

Men not only love women, they also hate some things related to them

Men fear them, worship them, they love them…women. Men like many things in women that they don’t have. It is known that God first created the Men and then he felt that it looks so very empty, incomplete and sad if the world would be „womenless”.

There are a number of things that attract men towards women. Women are soft, delicate and not as rough and tough as men are. It feels nice to touch a woman. Women have the best laughs easing all the pressures in life. Women don’t usually take things as seriously as men do.

Men not only love women, they also hate some things related to them:

1. They hate contentious women because they are very defensive persons, who are always ready to pick a quarrel, fight or give sassy remarks. These types of women are very difficult to be around and to live with. They can easily provoke a man to anger, even to the point of aggression and violence.
2. They hate mothering. It annoys them to be treated like a child, although men love to be taken care of. Mothering includes smothering and doting on him – like telling him what to do, when to do it and how to do it: „Why don’t you go and get some sleep?” or „Go brush your teeth!”. Men don’t like to be not mothered, men like to be nurtured.
3. Men hate prying. Some women are better than some secret services. They interrogate, investigate, checking anything from telephone bill to receipt slips found pockets. They want to know who the man spoke to, why they were calling and what the conversation was all about. It may be necessary at some point to do these, but when a man finds himself subject to any of them, it really annoys him. Men like to be trusted and not feel that their privacy is being pervaded. Build a nest and not a net when devoting energy into relationship.
4. Nobody likes to be possessed, owned, especially men. Treating a man like a personal property is a sure romantic failure. It is very natural to feel a little pang of jealousy when he gives other people all the attention, but trying to control his interactions with others, may make him feel that his dating a paranoid. Paranoia is not very attractive, in fact it is very repulsive.
5. The Dominator woman is another type hated by men. If a woman comes across as a lady who wants to run a man’s life, she runs the risk of being dumped or completely avoided. No man wants to be in a relationship with any woman who wants to run his life. When she can’t accept compromises, she is a dominator. To change this behavior, she must learn to accept compromises. She must learn to accept the points of view expressed by others, especially those she claims to love and cherish. Let the man take care of his affairs unless he asks for help.

6. They don’t like clingy and neediness women. A clingy person is like a burden, emotionally depending for everything. It is like having to be responsible for their very existence: responsible for making them happy, glad, excited and pleased. They look to men to entertain them and get things moving for them. Nobody likes to be around this kind of people. Sometimes they even get to „emotional black mail”. They threaten to harm or even kill themselves if hey don’t get what they want- the wanted man! Men simply use, abuse and confuse them. Because they are so dependent on men to be happy, then the men use this as tool to manipulate them.
7. Men don’t like invading their privacy, checking their telephone bills and looking into their mobile, eavesdropping on their telephone conversations and wanting to know all their whereabouts. This is very obnoxious to men, making him feel as if he is losing his freedom. He will drop the woman instantly if he feels she is invading his space.
8. A brawling woman is another thing that men hate. It is better to live in the corner of the rooftop than with a brawling woman because such a woman is uncultured and uncouth. Most men love ladylikeness and love feminine women who know how to behave and carry themselves. Most men avoid women who do not have class and culture about them.
9. Men hate Valentine’s Day, clearly a day invented for women. Why? , what are the gifts of choice on this sainted day? Flowers and chocolate. What do men get? try to make a reservation at a restaurant that isn’t booked up.
10. They hate sleaze. For men, sleazes are just good for sex but when men want serious relationships with women, they definitely make sure they avoid the sleazy ones. What makes a woman sleazy? Besides a characteristic attitude, dressing in ways that are too revealing could come across as sleazy. Going around being overly flirtatious, appears the risk to be called a sleaze. If awoman constantly desires sexual gratification from strangers, she is definitely a sleaze. Based on the brief description given above, women can make some changes and gain the respect tehy deserve. They can start by wearing clothes that are not too revealing. A woman can still be sexy without letting your chest or underwear hang out. If a woman has an urge to get between the sheets with strangers, she must realize that she is taking enormous risks and could expose to HIV. A therapist is recommended in this case.

Men also want women to learn about some mistakes during sex: they hate when women act as though they do not like sex; they do not like women who never show initiative in sex; men do not like women that do not know men’s body; men do not like when women become sexual controllers in bed; they hate women who talk too much in bed; they hate women who do not like oral sex.

Talking to Your Kids About Sex: 10 Things You Need to Know

Having ‘the talk’ with kids is never easy; even for the most relaxed and easy going parent. What you say will have a great impact on how your kids feel about sex and how they view it later in life. You might not think they’re listening, but what you say will be heard and it will make a difference – as long as you go about it the right way.
'Families' by Dave C.
When you first have your child, the last thing on your mind should be when and how to have ‘the talk’, but as your child approaches their teenage years, it’s important to start giving it some thought. Talking about sex will be uncomfortable for you and for your children, but it’s extremely important that you educate them and arm them with the knowledge they need to make smart choices. Don’t rely on their peers, their teachers or other avenues to do the teaching for you. Take control. This guide offers ten simple things to keep in mine that will help your ‘talk’ be most successful.
'Young Teenagers' by

10: Wait for them to come to you or wait until you feel they are ready.

Generally speaking, when your child starts to go through puberty, you should be preparing to have the talk. Take the changes in their bodies as a cue. With that said, don’t rush things with your kids. If you don’t honestly feel in your heart that your kids are ready for the talk then don’t have it. You don’t want to push them before they’re at the right maturity level. You need to be honest with yourself though. If they want to dress more provocatively or show more interest than usual in their appearance, it may be time to have the talk. Remember, there is a lot of misinformation out there, especially among kids, and when it comes to sex, misinformation can be dangerous.
'Living Room' by h-squared.

09: Choose the time and place for the conversation carefully.

Think of your kids before you settle in for the sex conversation. Don’t choose a time when your child has somewhere to be. As a parent, you should know when they have plans with friends, after school activities or other engagements. Choose a time that works for both of you and allows plenty of time for discussion. A weekend evening is ideal. The last thing your kids want to do after a long school day is sit down for another lesson at home.
Choose a room in the house that is comfortable. Their bedroom is fine but not all kids are open to sitting down for a discussing with their parent in their bedroom. That’s okay. Let them make that call. If you choose the living room or another common area of the house, eliminate distractions like the television or a computer with internet. Turn the computer off. Turn the television off. All focus should be on you and your child. Later on, we’ll talk more about movies and television shows, but to begin the conversation, create a focus, but still relaxed environment.
'Cell Phone Cameras' by Jeramey Jannene.

08: Make it a one on one conversation.

It’s also important to remember that having a one on one conversation does not necessarily mean just keeping other people physically out of the room. Turn off the cell phones – your and your child’s. Don’t take phone calls on your land line unless it’s an emergency. Although we’ve already talked about turning the computer off, I’ll repeat that rule here. Instant messengers are just as much of an interruption as a cell phone.
Giggles and embarrassment are part of 'the talk'. (photo by Julie Jordan Scott)

07: Be prepared for embarrassment.

Talking to your kids about sex isn’t going to be easy. It’s embarrassing. Your kids are probably going to giggle, say ‘ew’ and be generally embarrassed much of the time. It’s okay. Be prepared for it and be patient with your kids. Be patient with yourself as well. Let your kids know that you’re embarrassed too. It will make them feel a lot more comfortable and it will help you connect with your kids as their equal instead of just as their parent.
'Very Relaxed' by Randy Robertson.

06: Keep the atmosphere light, relaxed and casual.

Getting uptight is about the worst thing you can do when talking to your kids about sex. You won’t be helping your kids and you won’t be helping yourself. If your kids start getting upset, which is a very likely scenario, watch your tone. Don’t be confrontational and if they start raising your voice, don’t respond in kind. Let them walk away if they want to walk away then try again when things calm down. Generally speaking, your kids are going to be open and receptive as long as you don’t come across as judgmental or preachy. Be understanding and be patient. You’ll get a lot further with a positive attitude.
'001' by terminallychll

05: Be honest about sexuality.

It’s time to be real and it’s time to be honest. There is a real possibility that your child (just like with any child) could be gay. They could be bisexual. They could be transgender. They could be straight. You need to be open with your child about what all of that means. Don’t push them in one way or the other. You might want your child to be straight, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they will be. Not talking to your kids about all forms of sexuality is dangerous. You risk making your child feel like they’re not accepted or loved if they’re different.
Above all else, let your child know that slapping a label on their sexuality isn’t really that important when it comes right down to it. They have plenty of time to figure it out. It’s okay to be curious and it’s okay not to know. Just be sure they know that curiosity and promiscuity are not the same thing. Remember, telling your kids the truth about sexuality does not mean you’re encouraging them to be straight, gay or bisexual. It’s merely allowing them to feel open and able to be honest with you and that’s definitely something you want.
'Pregnant' by Angelcandy Baby.

04: Talk about their options and the risks involved in having sex.

One of the most important things you need to get across when you talk to your kids about sex is the risks associated with sex and the importance of safer sex. Talk to them about their options. Abstinence is a valid option and make sure they understand that. It is perfectly fine to wait for a committed relationship and let them know it isn’t okay for someone to pressure them to do it before they’re ready.
We all want our kids to remain virgins until they’re married, but not telling your kids about safer sex (condoms and other birth control methods) is frankly irresponsible. Many young girls who get pregnant simply weren’t aware that ‘pulling out’ was not a reliable means of birth control. Think back to all of those myths you heard as a teenager:
  • You can’t get pregnant your first time.
  • You can’t get pregnant standing up.
  • If the man pulls out before orgasm you can’t get pregnant.
  • You can’t get pregnant in a hot tub or pool.
  • You can’t get pregnant if you urinate after sex.
All of the above have a few things in common; they’re all untrue and they’re all still common myths among teenagers. Set your kids straight. You also need to make sure your kids know there is actually no such thing as completely safe sex. Condoms and birth control allow for safer sex, but accidents can still happen. It’s also important not to focus entirely on pregnancy. Inform your kids about sexually transmitted diseases. Mention some of the symptoms. Let them know some of the diseases have no cure. Finally, let them know that condoms don’t always prevent sexually transmitted diseases. The only way to absolutely prevent pregnancy or the spread of STDs is to abstain from sex entirely.
At the same time, you don’t want your child to be scared of sex. Sex is a wonderful, beautiful and meaningful thing two people can share together, but the bullet point to make here is that choosing to become sexually active means being responsible for anything that happens afterwards. It is a big decision to make and is best made by two people in love. If your kids really understand that, you’ve done your job.
'dvds' by Ryan.

03: Use movies or television shows as a talking point.

Although much of what Hollywood typically produces is purely for entertainment value, there is a lot out there that you can use to help your kids learn about sex. Don’t use a movie to teach your kids, but use movies or television shows as talking points or conversation starters. Some great examples of movies that show teenage sex or teenage sexuality in a realistic light include:
  • But I’m a Cheerleader
  • Easy A
  • Juno
  • Riding in Cars with Boys
  • Saved
  • The Kids Are Alright
Some of the movies are not appropriate for children of all ages. You are the best judge of what you feel your child will be mature enough to handle, so view the movies you’re interested in watching with them in advance. There are many more excellent movies out there you can watch with your kids to start a discussion about sex. In my opinion, Juno is one of the best, most honest portrayals of teenage pregnancy to come out in recent years but it’s also very entertaining. Excellent choice.
'Listen to Your Mother - LA' by Lisa Sjolund.

02: Listen to your kids and let them ask questions.

Don’t make your children feel like they’re being lectured. ‘The talk’ is called ‘the talk’ because it should go with ways. It should be a discussion. Let them tell you what they know about sex. Let them ask questions about anything they’re not clear about. Don’t judge them. If they tell you a story about ‘a friend’, please don’t automatically assume they’re talking about themselves. Let your kids know that you love and accept them and that they can ask you anything. Asking questions is a great way to satisfy curiosity – a much better approach than cutting off that line of communication and having them go out and experiment.
'Embarrassed By Camera' by Anton Pinchuk.
If your kids ask you about your own sexuality or your own sexual history – when you lost your virginity, how you knew when you were ready, if you knew you were ready and things of that nature are all common questions from kids to parents – be honest with them but only answer the question they asked and only answer if they asked. If you start delving into your own sexual past without being asked, you’re likely going to accomplish nothing other than making sure your kids never want to talk to you about sex again.
It’s logical. Would you want to hear all of the dirty details of your conception? Would you want to know how many sexual partners your mother or father had before (or after) each other? Would you want to know the craziest place your parents ever had sex? If you answered yes to any of those questions I applaud your maturity and your solid relationship with your parents but that is not the kind of relationship most parents have with their kids – at least not as teenagers. If your kids want to know, they’ll ask.

love between two aged persons

Nowadays, single parents have already neglected dating. A bulk of single parents have so many demands from running a home, caring for children, purchasing provisions, having a job and other time exhausting tasks, making it hard for them to find the moment to seek a partner.

A lot of single parents are just past the age of going to clubs, bars and other establishments in the hope of meeting a current partner. When single parents are so caught-up with their daily and weekly labors and are so tired, they usually just snub dating. There are also the other single parents who have been traumatized from their past relationships and are concerned in entering into a new relationship. It is always a very distressing idea for most single parents of having to go through the same mistakes and mishaps as before when they have found a possible partner.

Nevertheless, the internet has been a new instrument for most single parents which allows them to meet new friends and potential partners.

The internet is the best choice for single parents who would like to be back again in the dating scene for a likely spouse and a new parent for their children. Single parents need not to worry because there are plenty of dating sites made specifically for them. Do not be overpowered by the countless dating sites that you will encounter when you begin internet dating. Opt and go on sites that are famous and credible when choosing your options. There are many dating sites for single parents so let’s read on.

There is no concern of being an outsider in these dating sites because most of the members are also other single parents. Finding a prospective match can be very arduous and troubling and these single parents also realize the hardships you’ve gone through with dating. You will eventually feel a sense of assurance and acceptance by frequently visiting these dating sites. This experience could open the door to new possibilities of fresh acquaintances and a new romance with someone who has the same interests with you.

Safety precautions must always be tackled when going on these cyberspace dating and must be kept in mind all the time. Your private data should never be revealed until your are positive of the other person’s intentions and you feel secured in them. When you finally get the chance to meet your online partner, be sure that you go to the venue with your own transport and that someone else knows your whereabouts. Do not invite your date to your house or even divulge your home address unless you feel secure and you are certain what their purposes are.

Online dating sites might offer simple ways of finding a date but there are still lots of hurdles thereafter. Sustaining your potential mate’s interest and sincerity can be a real hurdle for you. Even if you try and try, the only solution in attracting your partner’s attention is plainly by being yourself. Online dating sites might furnish numerous hints on pursuing your date and growing the romance but self-confidence is still the key to all of these and is valuable more than all of the tips united.

How to Express Love to Others

There are several different ways to show love to the people around you because we all experience love differently. But there are a few basic techniques to showing love.
How to Express Love to Othersthumbnail
Try these helpful tips to start expressing your love to others today!

1.Verbalize your feelings. Give compliments, let them know how important they are to you, make them feel important and special through words of encouragement, and of course, say "I love you".

Give gifts. Some people feel very loved whenever they receive a gift and this can be a great way to express your love because it takes time and thought and lets them know that you take the time to figure out what they like. The gifts do not have to be expensive. Try giving a coffee mug to your dad, a bean bag to a kid, some flowers to your wife, or some chocolate to your husband.

Give the gift of touch. Some people go for years without being touched once by another human being. Try giving a friend a hug when they seem down or make it a rule to hug your family when you see them.

Give the gift of time. This only works if you spend time with your attention focused on your loved one. Try going out to lunch and asking them what is going on in their life. Or go sledding or walking together. Just make sure they know that you love them enough to pay attention to them without getting distracted.

Show your love through acts of service. Next time your sister is stressed, offer to help her with something, or take care of the kids for your wife. Easing the burden for others is a great way to show that you appreciate all that they do and you love them enough to make life a little easier for them.

Top 10 Ways to Keep Yourself Happy

here are several ways to keep yourself happy and cheerful despite sad or unfortunate happenings in your lives. The key is to pursue ways and methods to eliminate the fear or sadness mode and give direct access to happiness.

1. Do what you love to do!
You can increase your happiness by indulging in activities that you are satisfied with or what you like the most. Happiness will be ever present if you do what you like to do so that it will never be a chore. Even if it means working for long hours, doing something that you like will enable you to be free of boredom and be satisfied with a well finished task.

2. Get Active!
Do what you love to do!You have to try to be more agile and active. Being inactive for long periods of time will you’re your minds idle and cause isolation in many cases. You must search for exciting activities, hobbies or sports to pursue. You can also do something that involves being creative such as dancing, playing an instrument or learning a language which are excellent happiness boosters.
3. Be Social!
Be ActiveYou must develop your social contacts. Keep in touch with your friends and family. It is healthy and advisable to be in a social environment than remain lonely and isolated. You can take part in some voluntary activity or become a part of social networks or clubs where you can make some great or likeminded friends.
4. Spend time in Nature!
Spend time in Nature!Being in touch with nature can lead to positive bent of mind and happiness. Nature has this quality of charging our batteries. By just taking a walk in the woods you can feel refreshed. The fresh air will not only rejuvenate you but you will start feeling blissful.
5. Try to develop an optimistic nature.
It helps to try and develop an optimistic way of thinking. In this way you can concentrate more towards your goals. Being free of negativity will automatically help you develop a happy frame of mind.
Try to develop an optimistic nature
6. Laugh to your heart’s content!
Laugh to your heart’s content!You can also be happy by developing your sense of humor and laughing at yourself at times. You must refrain from taking situations seriously. By taking situations with some humor you will always feel happy.
7. Don’t try to imitate others!
Just be true to yourself and be the real “you”. Allow people to know you exactly as who you are. This will enable you to feel happy and comfortable.
Don’t try to imitate others!

8. Express love and gratitude to others!
Express love and gratitude to others!Feed your social relations. Your first priority should be love. It can be gratifying to show your love and affection to others. You will be loved when you shower your love on others. Hence be the first to express your love and affection to others and you will see that it comes back to you multifold and leave you happy.
9. Enjoy Life!
Enjoy Life!You must value every single thing that you experience. By showing gratitude for what you have and giving whatever is extra you can attract all the good things you wish for yourself. Also learn to enjoy life and live in a contented manner.
10. Don’t Worry Be Happy!
Don’t Worry Be Happy!Do not think about things that worry you. Do not plan too much for the future or waste your time thinking about the past. It is a waste of time to spend time or energy on things that have not yet taken place or things that will never happen.

How To Teach Your Children Show Love and Compassion Towards Others?

It is your responsibility to teach your children the things they need to know. Many parents are worried about the state of the world.

Parents even complain about how there not much love and compassion in the way children is interacting with one another.

Express love and compassion! Parents don’t realize that they have the ability to change the way that things are. You have to teach your children love and compassion when they are young.
Teach your Child
If your child expresses love and compassion towards another person, it inspires that person and he also expresses love and compassion.

Become a role model! If you show love and compassion towards others, you can teach your children love and compassion. You are the role model for your children. They follow what you are doing.

Your children always observe how you are interacting with other adults and children. If you act hatefully and selfishly, your children also think that they should act in that way only.

Act in a right way! Show how to act in right way. Don’t just tell your children how to act in right way. No need to go out of your way to help others, just make love and compassion part of your personality.

Treat all the people with respect and dignity and teach your children the same thing, even if someone is not doing the same with you. You can volunteer old neighbor.

Take your child along with you. Ask your child also to volunteer such as carrying a bag if you are going for grocery store. In this way you can teach your children love and compassion.

Teach your children love and compassion by treating them in a nice way even when you are upset with them. When you do not shout on them, it makes your children understand how they should be. It helps in learning how to treat people.

If you show love and compassion towards your children it does not mean you can’t punish your children when they does something wrong.

Discipline them properly and explain why you are disciplining them and let your child know that you are making them to do the right thing by discipline.

Reward! Teach your children love and compassion and if your children act in that way, reward them. This positive support teaches your children that good things come to those that are good to others.

Don’t scold your children when they don’t do the right thing. Don’t act in a negative way. Do it opposite. Reward them when they do something loving and compassionate. Teach your children why they should show love and compassion towards others.

Entertainment! Make sure your children are watching positive programs in television and books he reads are positive ones. Children learn from fictional characters a lot. Do not allow your children to watch television shows and movies which are violent or have negative traits.

These shows have negative effect on your children and influence them to act out with anger and violence. If children watch their favorite characters are acting with love and compassion, they will be inspired well.

If you teach your children love and compassion in childhood, they follow throughout their life. Children interact with other children or adults with love and affection.

If you teach your children how to show love and compassion towards others, they will show love and compassion towards you when they enter the adulthood.

Love and its expression

People express their love for others in different ways. Some believe saying “I love you” is good enough to express love while others say sharing everything with a loved one is the best way of expressing love.

Love is usually pure and mildly possessive but involves lots of care too. Infatuation can be detected easily. When a person says he is in love with the persons he says he loves but is unwilling to talk to, make any eye contact with, or unwilling to do anything at all with the persons he says he loves and stays away and remains shy, it’s a definite sign that he is infatuated; he simply cannot find any fault with that person. Lust is also different from love. It is usually expressed through short physical or emotional (most of the time physical) relationships.

745-love.jpgMaeregu Tekle, 37, a lawyer by profession, agrees with the distinction between love and lust. He says, “Love is when you love a person wholly with your spirit, heart, mind and body. Lust is when you only love part of him/her, which means that you value only a part of the person and not his/her whole personality.” He says that telling his wife that he loves her every time should not be mandatory as he has dedicated to spend the rest of his life with her. Before they were married he used to tell her every now and then that he was madly in love with her. However, after ten years of marriage, he does not feel comfortable telling her that anymore. “It is not like I don’t love her anymore, but I am over with the excitement and trying to taste every single moment.”

Zebib Abebe, 21, a student in a private college, is currently in her eleventh relationship. The longest relationship that she ever had was for a year and eight months while the shortest was two weeks.

“I tell my boyfriend that I  love him when we hang up the phone or when he does sweet things for me like take me out for dinner or give me gifts,” says Zebib.

Zebib has reservations about telling her boyfriend that she loves him in front of her parents. “I would never say ‘I love you’ to my boyfriend in front of my parents because it’s frowned upon in our culture.”

She says she only tells a person that she is in love with him if she has real feelings for him. “But if I don’t have that feeling and if it is something else, I just don’t express it.”

Some people refrain from telling the persons they love that they are in love with them unless they know first that they love them. However, people like Zebib do express their love when they are pressured. “Eventhough I was not in love with one of my boyfriends, I told him that I loved him when he said he loved me over and over again because I did not want to hurt his feelings.

Zebib believes that by saying ‘I love you’ she can express the love and the respect she has for a guy. And if she is madly in love with a guy, making love would do it too.

There are many girls who think that it is shameful for them to express first love for their boyfriends. Some of them say that no matter how much they are in love with that the person, they would never say ‘I love you’ first unless they are dead sure that person is in love with them too. Zebib agrees with this. “I don’t say I love you first because I have so much pride.” Her pride stems from the fact that her previous relationships did not last long. So she believes that there is no point of  telling a boyfriend that she loves him before he does. But, she still believes that saying ‘I love you’ is the best way to express love.

“What is the point of saying ‘I love you’ when I know it is going to end sometime? So I think it’s better to save it,” says 42-years-old Eleni Tekle, who grew up in the U.S. She started dating from early age and went through three boyfriends in quick succession. “Ever since then, I have this phobia that it is never going to work out with any other guy. I prefer not to use ‘I love you’ for someone who is never going to love me and end up with me.”

People express their love by showing how much they care about their love partners, by writing sweet things to each other, doing something special for each other and the like. “I would prefer expressing my love for a guy, for instance, by getting him something that he wants,” says Eleni.

It is not customary for a woman to ask a man to have a relationship with her. However, for Jerusalem Ambachew, 51, expressing her love helped her land her soul mate. Jerusalem says that she has been open all her life and that her father taught her that if she wants something she has to go and get whatever it is. “I believe that if I want something done I have to do it myself.”

So if she really likes a person, no matter what, she will go straight to and talk to that person.  And if she knows he has something for her then she will ask him to start a relationship.

“If I am in my parents’ house with my husband, I tell him that I love him no matter what. I am not interested in going to receptions which my husband is not invited to,” says Jerusalem.

Leul Abate, 16, has a 15-year-old girlfriend called Naomi Teklay. They both are in grade 10 and it has been three years since they started their relationship. Leul says he doesn’t know the difference between love and infatuation as well as that  between liking and loving. However, he always tells his girlfriend that he loves her. “I know that I would marry this girl for real and it is very comfortable for me to tell her that I love her.” Naomi on her part says it is very hard to tell whether she is going to end up with him or not. “I always tell him that I love him, because it helps me to feel that I am showing my love sufficiently,” says Naomi. Whenever she eats something unique she shares a half portion with Leul. She thinks that sharing food with Leul helps to forge a stronger bond between them.

Berhane Taye, 65, a security guard, says dedicating himself to live to with  his wife, with whom he has lived together for the past 35 years, is the ultimate form of expressing his love. “I don’t say ‘I love you’ to my wife because my presence with her is also a way of showing her my love,” says Berhane.